AML Foods Limited Community Giving
Giving people access to a better life
We are passionate about helping people live better. We consider it our responsibility to make a positive impact in the communities that connect with our brands through giving. To this end, we’ve committed to donating each year to charitable and civic groups with a similar purpose.
Areas of Commitment
AML Foods Limited seeks to create a brighter future for our employees, our customers, and the communities that we operate in by directing charitable giving toward our core areas of commitment
Hunger Prevention & Healthy Living – Ensure more people have access to the foods they want and need. We envision a day when no individual must wonder where his or her next meal will come from.
Environment – Helping to preserve our environment is important as we consider our present and our future. Wherever we can, we will limit our effect on the environment.
Youth Empowerment (Literacy & Sports) – We believe every child should have the opportunity to reach his or her full potential and we support programs and activities that promote literacy and youth sports at all levels. We know that our future success, and that of our community, depends on an educated and well-rounded workforce, so we strive to help kids do well in school.
The following information will explain our procedures and guidelines regarding donations and sponsorships. These guidelines are designed to assist you with your requests, specifically as it relates to AML Foods Limited’s potential involvement with your charitable organization or event.
Policies And Procedures for Submitting A Donation Request
- All donation requests must be submitted online.
- Written, fax and email requests are no longer accepted.
- The online donation request form must be filled out completely for your request to be considered.
- Once the request form is completed and submitted, you will be e-mailed an automated response confirming we have received your donation/sponsorship request.
- Your request for a donation or sponsorship must be received by AML Foods Limited at least four (4) weeks prior to the day your organization needs the contribution.
- Submissions are reviewed weekly by our Sponsorship Review Committee.
- Non-profit organizations must be formally registered with the Bahamas Registrar General.
Due to the large volume of requests received monthly, there are no exceptions to the above guidelines.
While we would like to support all causes, there is a set annual budget allocated for donations and sponsorship.
Please keep in mind that submitting a request does not guarantee your organization will receive a donation.