“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtfully committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” -- Margaret Mead
A couple trees may not seem like much, but to the children of Gambier Primary School, it might as well have been a forest. After losing their beloved sugar apple tree a few years ago, the children and teachers of Gambier Primary School were ecstatic to receive a new sugar apple tree. We planted it in the same spot where the old tree had once thrived. Thanks to our friends at Lucayan Tropical, we were also able to donate a native banana tree near the school’s vegetable garden.
We did this in honor of Earth Day (which will be observed on April 22, 2014); a day when192 countries worldwide take the time to give back to our planet and our communities. Since the children will be out of school for Easter Break on Earth Day, we decided to plant a little early. But that’s ok, we don’t think anyone minded! |